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Race & Class Combinations

Well, you’ve read through the Healing Class Summaries page to find a class you might be interested in, and then you’ve had a closer look at that Class on its dedicated page and decided that you’re ready to go for it. Now that you’ve gone as far as choosing your Class, it’s now time to choose your Race.

With each Class, there are select Races available that you’re able to choose from. All races are on par with each other and differ only slightly, which is why it’s more important to choose your Class before your Race, as choosing your Class affects your gameplay more so than choosing your Race does. So if you haven’t yet chosen a Class, you should do so now, starting from the Healing Summaries Page.

Below is a short table containing all the Races that are available to Healing classes, and which Healing Classes are available to those races. We also show you the racial traits that those Races have available to them. Racial traits are spells or abilities that your character will gain depending on your chosen race. Racial traits are usually considered as small perks or bonuses and don’t play a large part in-game play. Therefore it is not recommended to base your Class choice off these racial traits alone. It’s also important you find the race entertaining or fond to look at, as you’re going to spend a lot of time looking at them!

After the small table of classes we take a more in-depth look into each race, their traits and what it means to choose each race.

There are 6 races to choose from within 2 opposite factions with a total of 11 races (Pandaren can be either Horde or Alliance).
















Night Elf










































Void Elf







Lightforged Draenei





















Blood Elf

















































Highmountain Tauren






Horde or Alliance
Classes Available: Monk, Priest & Shaman

Bouncy A passive effect that allows you to fall twice as far as other races and still live. Falling more than twice the distance will still cause death.

Epicurean Pandas love food. Benefits you gain from ‘Well Fed’ buffs from food are doubled. To see what consumables provide these buffs, view the consumables page for each class.

Gourmand Cooking is a secondary profession that any race or class can undertake, however this racial allows pandaren to cook 15 points above others with the same skill points.

Inner Peace Levelling is a large part of the game, so this can come in handy as it increases your experience when killing enemies, however this racial basically disappears when you reach maximum level, meaning you will have 1 less racial.

Quaking Palm A prime PvP ability and somewhat useful PvE ability, this can stop enemies in their tracks. This must be used in melee range so it’s time to get up close and personal!

Classes Available: Monk, Paladin, Priest & Shaman

Gift of the Naaru A Heal over Time that has a long cooldown. This can be handy when you need an extra heal on a target while you heal other party/raid members. It is also affected by your spell power.

Heroic Presence Due to the fact that your healing spells don’t rely on the Hit stat to heal your targets, this racial trait is of little benefit. It is however, handy should you plan to play a Damage role at any point in time.

Gemcutting This is a passive racial trait that is little more than a quality-of-life improvement should you choose one of your primary professions to be Jewelcrafting. To find out more about Jewelcrafting and other professions, head to the professions page of your chosen class.

Shadow Resistance This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Shadow damage, but not all encounters are shadow based and this trait is very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Classes Available: Monk, Paladin, Priest & Shaman

Stoneform A cool down that can be used to remove poison, disease and bleeds. As not all encounters cause your character to suffer from these, this trait is very situational. This trait is very useful in PvP encounters.

Frost Resistance This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Frost damage, but not all encounters are frost based which makes this trait very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Explorer Archaeology is a Secondary Profession and doesn’t directly affect your Healing game play. Therefore this racial trait is mostly a quality-of-life trait and shouldn’t play a large in your decision to choose a race.

Classes Avaialable: Monk & Priest

Escape Artist Not often, but at times encounters with certain mechanics can cause your character to become stuck of slowed from enemy spells, at which point this racial trait can be used to help.

Expansive Mind This passive racial trait is pretty decent for a healer as it boosts your Mana pool, which is a Healer’s main resource and is used to cast spells.

Arcane Resistance This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Arcane damage, but not all encounters are arcane based which makes this trait very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Engineering Specialist Engineering is a Primary Profession to build gadgets and item enhancements. As this racial trait doesn’t directly affect your Healing game play  it’s more of a quality-of-life should you choose Engineering as one of your Primary professions.

Classes Avaialable: Monk, Paladin & Priest

Every Man for Himself This can be a very handy racial trait as there are quite often times within encounters where certain enemy abilities cause you to lose control of your character. A good example is fear, which forces you to run in a random direction. This racial trait, when pressed, cancels the effect that the enemy has on you. This is also arguably one of the best PvP abilities.

Diplomacy Increasing your reputation puts you in good stead with factions across the World of Warcraft and can sometimes provide you with good rewards from those factions. This can be handy, but not a big part of actual Healing gameplay, therefore we suggest not using this trait to base your race choice off.

The Human Spirit Like a Gnome’s Expansive Mind, The Human Spirit is a strong racial trait for a Healer as all healers rely on spirit for mana regeneration.

Night Elf: Druid, Monk & Priest

Shadowmeld A handy little racial trait should you find yourself in a sticky situation where you don’t want to be seen. There aren’t many opportunities to use this in PvE situations, however it can be very handy for PvP situations.

Quickness As a Healer in a party or raid, you shouldn’t be getting hit by anything that will do you damage, but it can happen. This trait can help you avoid those attacks but 2% isn’t very much and will rarely make a difference. It can help in PvP situations and if you choose to be a Druid with a Tanking off-spec, this trait can be quite beneficial.

Wisp Spirit Basically a quality-of-life racial trait that will just get you back to your corpse faster after death. Handy if you’re being camped or in a rush to get out of an area quickly.

Elusivesness Again, this trait doesn’t directly affect your healing game play, but at times can be quite helpful. For example, as a Druid, you can transform into Catform and use your stealth ability to negotiate around mobs and other players with less chance of being detected.

Nature Resistance This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Nature damage, but not all encounters have nature based damage which makes this trait very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Worgen: Druid & Priest

Darkflight This racial trait could be helpful in those clutch moments when you’re just out of reach to heal someone, or to run away from something/someone. For example, moving out of the fire faster in a PvE situation or someone could be chasing you in a PvP situation.

Viciousness A beneficial stat for all kinds of roles, but not absolutely essential for Healers. Though it can increase your healing, it’s not worth making your decision on this racial trait, it’s merely a bonus.

Aberration This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Shadow and Nature damage, but not all encounters have shadow and nature based damage which makes this trait very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Flayer Skinning is a Primary Profession to skin monsters and creatures, in which items can be crafted. As this racial trait doesn’t directly affect your Healing game play  it’s more of a quality-of-life should you choose Skinning as one of your Primary professions. However, skinners also bonus from Master of Anatomy which again increases your crit chance.

Two Forms Basically a gimmick and effects Healing game play none whatsoever. Just a bit of fun that allows you to have the human model when out of combat.

Running Wild A form you can turn into out of combat that serves as your mount. Doesn’t really do much apart from save you a bit of gold. Plus it looks cool running at full speed on all four!

Void Elf: Monk & Priest

Spatial Rift: This ability causes your character to “split” in two. While you continue to control your character, another form of yourself will slowly walk forwards for 5 seconds. During this time, you can press the racial ability again transferring your controlling character back to where your “self offshoot” currently is. Could be handy for some encounters, and quite strong for PvP.

Preternatural Calm: Another strong pvp talent, but this could also be great for all kinds of encounters, saving you from damage delayed casts.

Chill of Night: A flat reduction of 1% from shadow damage. Useful on select encounters only.

Entropic Embrace: All of your spells have a 33% chance to trigger this racial. When triggered, for the next 12 seconds, the damage or healing abilities you use while this buff is active are increased by 5%. It is not retro-active to already rolling HoTs etc. A nice addition to any healer’s toolkit.

Ethereal Connection: Simply a quality of life by reducing costs of Transmog and Void Storage.

Lightforged Draenei: Paladin & Priest


Blood Elf: Monk, Paladin & Priest

Arcane Torrent This is a handy little trait which, when used in the right circumstances, not only silences enemies that are close to you, but also returns mana to you. In boss encounters you may be able to use this multiple times giving you mana to spend on extra heals.

Arcane Affinity Enchanting is a Primary Profession to create enchantment for your items. Though this doesn’t directly affect your Healing abilities, it does so indirectly. To best enhance their character, all players should eventually have enchantments on their gear, therefore it can be beneficial to have this profession so you can enchant your own items, and even make some money.

Arcane Resistance This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Arcane damage, but not all encounters have arcane based damage which makes this trait very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Goblin: Priest & Shaman

Rocket Jump A useful trait should you find yourself in a sticky situation. You can jump out-of-the-way quickly, or if your healing target is out of reach you can use this to jump closer to them.

Rocket Barrage Not much of a useful trait for healers. It can however contribute to your Damage should your off-spec be a damage role.

Time is Money This trait gives you a direct Healing benefit as it increases your casting speed(haste), making your spells cast faster even if only by 1%. Every percent counts!

Best Deals Anywhere Helps you save on gold for repairs and when purchasing items/goods. Not a huge benefit for healers, but to your character in another way.

Pack Hobgoblin Saves you going back to a main city to access your bank where you keep all your precious items. Not essential, just convenient.

Better Living through Chemistry Alchemy is a Primary Profession to create potions and elixirs, among other things. This trait can affect your Healing game play, as potions and elixirs can improve your stats such as intellect or spirit. This also gives you the opportunity to make these items and sell them to other players to build up your gold.

Orc: Monk & Shaman

Blood Fury Increases your spell power as a Healer, directly effecting your heal’s throughput for 15 seconds. This trait is of great use during heavy damage periods where you need stronger heals. It should be used as often as possible so you can use it multiple times during an encounter.

Hardiness Not a trait that is going to benefit you during every encounter, but certainly at times it can be helpful against those bosses that may stun you. Also a very handy trait for PvP where stuns are very prominent.

Command This trait doesn’t benefit any Healers, but as a Shaman, should you decide to play the Enhancement off-spec, this can benefit you.

Tauren: Druid, Monk, PaladinPriest & Shaman

War Stomp As a Healer you will rarely have mobs attacking you, but when they are, this trait can help to first stun those, then give your tank time to pick up aggro from those mobs. Also a handy in PvP when you need to stun your opponents.

Endurance Beneficial to all classes, as this will give you a larger health pool. Especially handy for Healers who have a Tanking off-spec as a Druid or Paladin. Though 5% of your base health isn’t a huge amount.

Cultivation Herbalism is a Primary Profession to gather herbs, which can be, for example, used for Alchemy to create potions and elixirs. As this racial trait doesn’t directly affect your Healing game play  it’s more of a quality-of-life should you choose Herbalism as one of your Primary professions. However, herbalists also gain the Lifeblood spell which is a small direct Heal for yourself.

Nature Resistance This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Nature damage, but not all encounters have nature based damage which makes this trait very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Troll: Druid, Monk, Priest & Shaman

Berserking For 10 seconds your Healing character can fire off heals 20% faster for 10 seconds with this trait! Which means you can get more heals off during a heavy damage phase of an encounter.

Regeneration A great trait for any character to have. Generates health to yourself during combat without direct healing. Though 10% is small.

Beast Slaying Not much of a healing trait really, but can be beneficial to you should you decide to have a damage off-spec when you’re not healing. You also need to be fighting beasts (animals) to gain from this trait.

Dead Eye Almost zero benefit to any Healers as we can’t even equip throwing weapons, bows or guns, let alone use them. 

Da Voodoo Shuffle In numerous encounters throughout the game you will probably cross paths with a boss that uses a movement impairing effect on players, in which case this trait is useful, along with almost any PvP situation. But apart from that, it’s not much help.

Forsaken: Monk & Priest

Will of the Forsaken Arguably one of the best traits in both PvE and PvP, comparable to the Human’s Every Man for Himself racial trait in that it removes Charms, Fears and Sleep effects that make you lose control of your character.

Cannibalize Handy, but disgusting! After disposing of your enemies, both computer and player controlled, you can then feast on their innards. Excellent for questing and PvP when you’re low on health. Also a great way to further humiliate your opponents!

Touch of the Grave When you damage an enemy this racial gives you a chance to cause extra damage and also heal yourself. This is only good for healers that cause damage, such as a Discipline Priest through Atonement or Mistweaver Monk through Fistweaving. Not really worth basing your race choice on it.

Shadow Resistance This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Shadow damage, but not all encounters have shadow based damage which makes this trait very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Nightborne: Monk & Priest

Magical Affinity A flat increase to magical damage. This is really only good as a healer for Discipline Priests, who use magical damage to heal others.

Cantrips A portable mailbox. This doesn’t affect your healing gameplay.

Arcane Pulse The damage portion of this won’t affect healers, but the slow movement portion could come in handy to escape enemies.

Ancient History A simple skill increase to the Inscription profession. Doesn’t effect your healing gameplay.

Arcane Resistance Reduces arcane damage by 1%.

Now that you have seen all the races, it’s a good idea to make your choice of class/race. Once you’ve made the choice, you can head to the Getting Started page to get a general overview of how the game works.

Home » Race & Class Combinations

Originally published on December 4th, 2012 by on HealingWoW.com, Last modified: .

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