Holy Priest Reforging

For those new or coming back for Warlords of Draenor, stat Reforging has been removed! Yay! Move onto the Holy Priest Professions and Consumables…
The method of reforging includes visiting a reforger in your major city and basically changing less useful stats or attributes into more useful stats. As a Holy Priest this is useful to change such stats as Crit or Hit into more effective stats like spirit, haste or mastery. Reforging gives you that little bit of wiggle room when you’re trying to get the most of out of your gear. It can also help you if you happen to only have a damage based piece of gear and you need to change it to a more healer-centered piece of gear.
We recommend for when starting out, to enchant your gear with our Holy Priest Enchanting recommendations, gemming your gear with our Holy Priest Gemming recommendations and then using these Reforging Recommendations to get the most out of your stats for healing purposes.
You can find the Reforger NPC that you need to interact with in one major city for each faction. Stormwind for Alliance and Orgrimmar for Horde. To find the reforger you can always ask a guard and they will place a flag on your map/mini-map. To interact with a reforger, simply right-click on them within range of them. Right clicking on them will open the reforging window. Now the window is open, make sure your character window is open. It’s now a matter of dragging and dropping items from your character window into the reforging window, selecting which stats you’d like to change, what stats you’d like to change them to, and pressing Apply.
Now it’s just a matter of knowing what stats we need as a Holy Priest. You can always refer back to the Holy Priest Stat Priority page.
Like with gemming, it’s best to ask ourselves questions before reforging…
Have I enchanted my gear yet? Yes: Go to next question No: Go to the Holy Priest Enchanting page.
Have I gemmed? Yes: Go to next question No: Go to the Holy Priest Gemming page.
Do I have any hit or crit on my gear? Yes: Reforge it to a more useful stat such as Haste or Mastery.
Well, am I having mana problems? Yes: Reforge to spirit No, I’m not having mana problems.
Well, have I the 12.51% haste breakpoint according to my stats sheet? No: Reforge to haste up to at least 12.51%.
I have 12.51% haste, can I reach 16.65%? Yes: Reforge to haste up to 16.65%, then reforge to Mastery beyond that. No: Reforge to Mastery.
This should give you an idea of what to aim for with your stats. Again, this is merely a guide and is dependent on many things. But reforging is quick, easy and often the cheapest way to gain stats.
Now head to the Holy Priest Professions page to find out our recommendation for professions.